Garden Planning during the Winter Months
Garden Planning during the Winter Months
Garden Planning during the winter months is a fun activity for the family when its too cold to go outside. Its already mid January which means its time to start thinking about planting the garden which is still months away. Many types of peppers, tomato’s and basil need to be started indoors months before you plan on planting.
Start your seeds early!
For example, Jalapeno peppers usually require eight weeks of time to mature prior to transplanting outdoors. Depending on your climate zone this means you may need to start the seedlings as early as February to have adult plants in time for the May Planting. Additionally, cold weather vegetables that can handle chilly temperatures can be directly sowed as early as March in Zones 5 and 6.
Here are a few things to consider when planning your garden:
1. Location:
When choosing a location for your garden you need to consider how much light that location will receive. Many vegetables require ample amounts of sunlight on a regular basis, choosing a partially shaded location may work, but it will also lead to less healthy plants. The location you choose should have at a minimum six hours of sunlight per day. Additionally, choose a location that has good drainage and rich soil if possible. If you live in an area where the soil is sandy or has too much clay, try building an above ground garden bed. Lastly, consider maintenance, can you easily get water to the location? How far is it from the house.
2. Weather:
Planting too early can lead to a complete loss in your garden if there is a late frost. Likewise, planting to late can lead to plants that aren’t established yet withering in the hot summer heat. Also, pay attention to thunderstorms, hail can cause a complete garden failure. If the weather looks like its taking a turn for the worse, be sure to cover and protect your plants!
3. Not Thinning the Crop:
When planting rows of vegetables its important to thin out the crop and provide ample spacing for the plants to grow. Refer to the seed packets for spacing requirements when thinning vegetable rows. These requirements are also important for plants that are placed in pots. Failing to thin the crop will result in smaller plants that compete for the same resources and may not produce. Weeds also compete for these same resources, so be sure to pull them out before they get established.
4. Watering:
You can over-water and under-water a garden easily. The best way to tell is to hold the soil in your hand and make a determination, if the soil is hard or dusty, the garden is in dire need of watering. If the soil is slimy or clearly wet, then the garden has too much water. Soil should always feel damp to the touch and clump together loosely. Finally, consider the weather, if you are anticipating three days of rain and your garden needs watering, it may be best to wait and let nature handle it.
5. Bad Soil:
Its very easy to have soil that isn’t ideal for the plants you choose. An easy fix for this is to mix compost into the existing soil to improve its quality and restore any missing nutrients that your plants may need. If improving the soil is too much of a task, then build an above ground planting bed that can you can more easily manage.
6. Critters:
A rabbit, deer, or ground hog can do a number on a garden in a short period of time. These can be easily kept out of the garden using chicken wire fencing that is at least four feet tall. For extra protection against rabbits and ground hogs I would recommend making sure that the fencing goes at least 6″ into the ground so that they can’t borrow underneath easily. Throwing debris along the fencing will help keep these animals out, however, it makes the perfect home for Voles which will do the same amount of damage to your garden, here are a few tips for dealing with garden pests:
Make sure you have at least a 4′ fence, additionally, if you put poles at the corners of your garden and run two strings between the poles all the way around your garden to a height of about six feet, the deer won’t be able to judge the height and won’t try to jump over the fence to get to the vegetables.
Rabbits are fairly easy to keep out of the garden, just by partially burying part of the fence to a depth of 6″ will normally prevent a rabbit from trying to squeeze under the fence to get to your vegetables.
Ground Hogs (Gophers):
Ground hogs can be extremely destructive and can easily create new burrows that go under any fence. When a new hole appears, fill it with rocks and dirt to discourage them from coming back. If they continue to burrow into the garden, consider using a have-a-heart trap baited with vegetables to catch and relocate the pest to a new home.
Moles can burrow through entire rows of plants killing the seedlings. You can keep moles at bay by putting down castor bean powder and then washing it down into the soil. The moles hate the smell of the castor bean and will avoid the garden. I have had limited success with ultrasonic deterrents available at most retail stores.
Voles are probably one of the most destructive pests that can move into the garden, their damage is visible by finding plants that have been bit off at the base and left behind. Once established, they can rapidly turn into a colony. The best way to avoid voles is to keep your garden clean, don’t leave rubbish piles in the corners or on the sides of your garden that a vole would love to setup home in.
Finally, consider buying chickens or guinea hens.
Not only will you get free eggs from having them in your garden but they will control the various bugs and pests that want to eat your plants. Additionally, most of the above pests are terrified of chickens, they will act as a natural deterrent for most garden critters. If you do buy chickens for your garden, make sure your garden is at least 6′ x 6′, this size will support at least two – five chickens. Also, be sure to thoroughly rinse any vegetables you take out of your garden to avoid any kind of contamination from the free range chickens.