First, clean up any spoiled vegetables/fruit that may be sitting on the top of the soil. This is especially true for Tomato’s since the rotting fruit may have been caused by a fungus that is now dormant and waiting for next year. If you put the Tomato’s and other fruit in a hot compost pile you are almost guaranteed to kill it. Also, make sure to note where you planted the Tomato’s that year, Tomato’s, Potato’s, Eggplants or Peppers need to be rotated each year because they are solanacae (Nightshades). This is because they are all susceptible to the same pests.
The following chart which we found on “Timber Press” dated July 2012, suggested the following:
Group 1: Nightshades | tomato, potato, peppers, eggplant, tomatillo | |||
Group 2: Cabbage Crops | broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale | |||
Group 3: Onion Crops | garlic, leeks, onions, scallions, shallots | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | |
Bed A | Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Repeat Year 1 |
Bed B | Group 3 | Group 1 | Group 2 | Repeat Year 1 |
Bed C | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 1 | Repeat Year 1 |
Take the remaining plant stalks, rotten fruit, and fallen leaves and collect them for a compost pile. Composting is a great way to get nutrient rich soil ready for future years for your garden. A cold composting pile can take anywhere from six months to two years to get compost that is ready for use. We personally use a windrow compost pile which is a pile along our property line that stretches about ten feet and is four feet tall. Every two weeks we rotate the pile moving the unfinished compost down and collecting any compost that is ready for the Garden. The next two weeks we rotate the pile back in the other direction. This helps the compost breathe and accelerates the process.
Compost piles can take the majority of household waste and recycle it into fertile compost. Items to consider include vegetable and fruit waste, paper clippings, grass clippings, fallen leaves, weeds, wood ashes, twigs and wood chips, pet and human hair, garden residue, and coffee grounds. Avoid animal wastes from Dog’s and Cat’s, yes they can be used but there are associated diseases (risks during pregnancy) and other complications from using those materials.
A great book to review that covers the various methods of composting and the different implementations is “The Rodale Book of Composting – Easy Methods For E...
Starting seedlings indoors early before the season can be a great family event. It will save you money once its time to start planting the garden. Most peppers, tomatoes and even basil require at least eight weeks of growing time before they are ready for transplant. (I would argue 10-12 weeks if you want a hearty plant that will endure the fluctuations in early spring temperatures).
Be sure to keep the standard plastic four to six cell plant holders that you may have from previous years from buying plants at local stores or big box stores. These can be used multiple years to save on the cost of potting supplies. Many brand name growers recommend seed starting potting soil or dry peat seed starters. Here is the run down on those, yes they work, yes when you add water they fill up and create the optimal environment for starting seeds. These pellets and / or kits will cost between $15 and $20 or more.
My personal opinion is that they dry out very quickly if the proper humidity and watering is not maintained. Additionally, the peat will often fall apart when the plants are removed from the container, leaving bare roots and forcing you to push the plant out by crushing the plastic. The alternative is you can pick up a bag of 25 Quart Miracle Grow Moisture Control for $10 which will easily be more than enough to fill 36 planting cells and then some. You will need to filter out the larger sticks that come in the soil but it will hold its moisture and form a solid base for plant roots to grow. Additionally, when you go to remove the plants, the roots and soil will be one instead of crumbling apart. The best part is the fertilizer is already in the seedling leading to strong and healthy plants!
(Please note we are in Region 6 of the plant hardiness chart, please plan accordingly!)
Garden Planning during the winter months is a fun activity for the family when its too cold to go outside. Its already mid January which means its time to start thinking about planting the garden which is still months away. Many types of peppers, tomato’s and basil need to be started indoors months before you plan on planting.
For example, Jalapeno peppers usually require eight weeks of time to mature prior to transplanting outdoors. Depending on your climate zone this means you may need to start the seedlings as early as February to have adult plants in time for the May Planting. Additionally, cold weather vegetables that can handle chilly temperatures can be directly sowed as early as March in Zones 5 and 6.
When choosing a location for your garden you need to consider how much light that location will receive. Many vegetables require ample amounts of sunlight on a regular basis, choosing a partially shaded location may work, but it will also lead to less healthy plants. The location you choose should have at a minimum six hours of sunlight per day. Additionally, choose a location that has good drainage and rich soil if possible. If you live in an area where the soil is sandy or has too much clay, try building an above ground garden bed. Lastly, consider maintenance, can you easily get water to the location? How far is it from the house.
Planting too early can lead to a complete loss in your garden if there is a late frost. Likewise, planting to late can lead to plants that aren’t established yet withering in the hot summer heat. Also, pay attention to thunderstorms, hail can cause a complete garden failure. If the weather looks like its taking a turn for the worse, be sure to cover and protect your plants!
When planting rows of vegetables its important to thin out the crop and provide ample spacing for the plants to grow. Refer to the seed packets for spacing requirements when thinning vegetable rows. These requirements are also important for plants that are placed in pots. Failing to thin the crop will result in smaller plants that compete ...